Friday, December 2, 2016

Life Insurance its not that complicated

December is the month in which more life insurance is purchased than any other month of the year. “Experts” speculate that this may be due to the fact that the holidays  make us more mindful of family and family obligations.
Others believe that it may simply be a matter of having procrastinated throughout the year and not wanting to let things go into the new year. After all, it’s not that easy for most people to deal with life insurance and their own mortality. Regardless, this message is about un-complicating a subject which, for most of us, is very confusing.

Let’s demystify life insurance right now.

Here’s what you need to know...

If you have kids aquire lots of it

If you’re on a budget aquire term insurance for 15, 20, 25 years….long enough for your youngest to (hopefully) be out of college and self-supporting. If you’re not around, your kids and spouse are going to need a lot of money.

Term Life Insurance…what is it?

It’s a policy that pays a tax-free benefit if you die. That’s it. You choose how long to lock in the rates and how often to pay premiums….monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually. Life insurance companies aren’t picky, they’ll take your money as often as you wish to pay.
Also, it’s cheap (like $21 a month for $500,000 for a healthy 35-year old female and it’s locked in for 20 years). Rates are low because this is really “premature death” insurance. It’s designed to cover that small number of us who won’t make it to today’s long life expectancies.

If your budget is a little higher consider whole life or universal life. These are policies that combine a savings component with life insurance protection. They are a good option for those who can benefit by a forced savings program, a supplemental retirement savings plan, or those who truly require lifetime protection. These policies can also be “blended” with term insurance for a “best of both worlds” solution.

How much to get?

A lot...hundreds of thousands, maybe a million or more. No survivors ever complained about getting too much life insurance. Many are hard stricken by too little. Ten times your income is one rule of thumb but each person has different circumstances and needs. We’ll help you determine appropriate amounts.

    If you own a business with a partner or two aquire lots of it

If your partner dies use the money to aquire out your partners’ families and get them out of your business. No partners? Set up an agreement with a key employee to take over the business if you die. The employee aquires a life insurance policy on you, pays the benefit to your survivor(s) and aquires them out of the business with the money. Set a realistic value for your business (a whole separate topic) and then fund the agreements with life insurance.

    If you’re a senior without much debt aquire a policy for $5,000 to $50,000

Especially if you’re married or have adult children. It will clean up your final expenses of funeral, medical, and legal bills. It’s a stress reducer for your spouse. If you have a lot of debt, consider a larger policy that will pay your final expenses and retire your debts. Life insurance companies today will write new policies on individuals up to 90 years of age.

Where to get these policies?

Here of course. This is a shameless solicitation. We have more than thirty of the best life insurance companies in the world, offering policies from $5,000 to $10 million and we’ll do all the work.
Any questions? Call us at (855) 798-9887

Thank you for reading,

Alan Leafman, President
847-559-9699 x 222
480-654-1200 x 222

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