Ever find yourself in the middle of the grocery store, methodically going through the aisles, filling your basket with everything on your list and knowing, just knowing that there’s something you forgot?

Carrots? “Check”
Coffee? “Check”
Couscous? “Check”
Crackers? “Check”
Hmmm…what was that next one?
The now annual ritual of finding health insurance should be like a going to the grocery store. Have your checklist ready before you walk in so that you cover all of your bases. Open Enrollment is nearly upon us. The time when everybody who has a personal health insurance plan is getting their “We really value you as a customer” letters from their insurance companies to then quickly learn that:
- Your plan is going away
- Your insurance company is going away
- Your doctor has dropped out
- Your rates are only going up 28%
- Your deductible is going up another $500, or
- all of the above
So, like it or not, it seems like every November, right about the time that family, friends, holidays, and end of the year business come crashing down on you, you also get to pick a new health insurance plan. Thankfully, we have identified some great new, non-Obamacare choices for most of you for next year. Many of our new plans cost less, have lower out-of-pocket costs, and allow you to use any doctor or hospital of your choice. Many of you, for the first time in years, will see monthly rate savings of tens to hundreds .
Still, just like the plan that you have today and plans like you have probably had for many years, the new plans are designed to assure that everyone in the “chain of care” gets paid whenever you get sick or injured. These contracts (insurance policies are contracts) are designed to assure that whenever you rack up $10,000, $25,000, $100,000, or $1,000,000 in medical bills everybody gets their money:
- Your doctors (the ones you see and the ones you don’t; pathologists, radiologists, etc)
- Your hospitals
- Your labs
- Your imaging clinics
- Your pharmacies
That’s really good news…for everybody who takes care of you. But what about you? Most of our clients work for themselves or they own small businesses without big corporation benefits. It’s time to add a new item to your list. Call it “income protection”.
For the first time in a long time we will probably be able to reduce your costs by quite a bit on your health care coverage. How about, instead of pocketing all of the savings, take a little bit of that money and “splurge” on something really helpful for yourself. Something like disability insurance, accident insurance, or critical illness insurance. Plans that pay you real money when you need it the most.
Relax, we’ll still make sure that your health care plan protects you and your family to the highest degree possible, but we will be sure, this time around, to persistently remind you about the idea of protecting your hard-earned income. Disability insurance, accident insurance, and critical illness insurance are the only types of coverage that work for you when you can’t work. They are also surprisingly affordable. Contact us and see.
Thanks for reading.
Alan Leafman, President
847-559-9699 x 222
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